Leeds Beckett University
Dr Ash Ahmed
Conserv has been working in collaboration with Dr Ash Ahmed since 2013.
Dr Ahmed is a Reader (Associate Professor) in civil engineeering materials at Leeds Beckett University (LBU). He has over 20 years experience in the materials science field and has numerous publications including a book, ‘Materials Science in Construction: An Introduction’. His primary research interests are in the field of sustainable materials for civil engineering and construction applications.
The cement industry accounts for 10% of global CO2 emissions whereas the entire commercial aviation sector emits only 3% in comparison; therefore, there are severe environmental implications regarding the use of cement. Dr Ahmed focusses on investigating cement alternatives; the findings of his research on cement replacements based on agricultural waste is already making a significant impact within the highways industry.
Due to the aforementioned environmental issues with cement, the research projects between Conserv and Dr Ahmed have been focused on high performance lime materials, in particular:
- Lime Mortars; these type of mortars especially based on lime putty confer certain advantages over cement based mortars including greater crack resistance and improved permeability. The main drawback, however, was the long setting time of these mortars, however, findings have substantiated that with the addition of a minimal amount of pozzolans (e.g. PFA) can alleviate this issue. Therefore, these mortars are a more viable and environmentally friendly alternative to cement mortars.
- Limecrete; this a cement free low carbon lime based structural material as an alternative to concrete which can be used for flooring applications in houses and buildings with improved damp resistance.
The aim of the on-going research collaboration is to develop and create further awareness of the advantages of lime based products with the main objective of influencing the selection of environmentally friendly robust materials.
Further details regarding Dr Ahmed’s research interests can be found at https://www.leedsbeckett.ac.uk/staff/dr-ash-ahmed/.