Suppliers of Lime Mortar, Lime Plaster & Building Conservation Materials 01642 430 099

Natural Hydraulic Lime

  • Secil NHL 3.5

    Moderately Hydraulic Lime

    The ever popular hydraulic lime (previously packaged as Singleton Birch). Suitable for general purpose mortars and renders, ideal for most building work.

    Product Details
    £14.75 + VAT
  • Tarmac Limelite NHL 3.5

    The natural hydraulic lime from Blue Circle, this is the whitest NHL 3.5 we have to offer. Suitable for general purpose mortars and renders, ideal for most building work.

    Product Details
    £14.95 + VAT
  • Secil NHL 2

    The gentlest, most flexible hydraulic lime, suitable for soft masonry, internal masonry and for making lime plaster.

    Product Details
    £15.95 + VAT
  • Secil NHL 5

    Stronger and faster setting, suitable for dense masonry or external works exposed to severe levels of wind driven rain.

    Product Details
    £17.25 + VAT

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