Suppliers of Lime Mortar, Lime Plaster & Building Conservation Materials 01642 430 099

Secil Natural Hydraulic Lime

Secil Natural Hydraulic Lime, previously branded as Singleton Birch. ConservĀ® offer the best prices on large volume orders and international delivery.

  • Secil NHL 3.5

    Moderately Hydraulic Lime

    The ever popular hydraulic lime (previously packaged as Singleton Birch). Suitable for general purpose mortars and renders, ideal for most building work.

    Product Details
    £14.75 + VAT
  • Secil NHL 2

    Feebly Hydraulic Lime

    The gentlest, most flexible hydraulic lime, suitable for soft masonry, internal masonry and for making lime plaster.

    Product Details
    £15.95 + VAT
  • Secil NHL 5

    Eminently Hydraulic Lime

    Stronger and faster setting, suitable for dense masonry or external works exposed to severe levels of wind driven rain.

    Product Details
    £17.25 + VAT